Advertising in Auto - Nagpur

Advertising in Auto - Nagpur



About Advertising in Auto - Nagpur

The rate for advertising in Auto Nagpur is available on the Media Option and Pricing section of the website. The ad rate is quoted per auto. One of the frequently asked questions regarding the advertising rate for Auto in Nagpur is "what is the duration for which the ad would remain on the auto?". There is no direct answer to this question regarding the duration of auto campaigns. The ads on auto stay as long as no new advertisers come for the same ad or the ad gets damaged. So your ad on auto in Nagpur can stay anywhere between a few days to a few months. On average we have seen the ads on auto in Nagpur to stay for a month. Ad rates mentioned for auto advertising in Nagpur are discounted. However, if you have large quantities, do not hesitate to ask The Media Ant for further discount. You can check the best rate for advertising in Auto Nagpur by adding your quantity to the bag and looking at the offer rate. We do not charge any fee for sharing the rate for and this service is absolutely free.

Key Insights

Top Choice

Auto Hood
Auto Hood - Size Details
Auto Hood

Auto Hood

Ads will be printed on the auto hoods and it will be mounted on the autos.
Base Rate

₹ 605 Per Auto


Auto Back Panel

Ads on back side of Autos
Base Rate

₹ 185 Per Auto

We can help

Hire our expert media planners to find, plan and place your next promotion.

The Media Ant

Media Demographics & Analytics

Registered Autos On The Road



Auto - Nagpur Advertising Cost

Advertising Option

TMA Offer

Auto Hood

₹ 550 Per Auto

Auto Back Panel

₹ 145 Per Auto

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

Nagpur is one of the largest cities in India. Public Transport in Nagpur is well developed and a large number of people use Auto for their daily and occasional commute. Auto starts from a single point, the auto stand every day and helps in locality level reach out. Auto Advertising in Nagpur is popular among brands looking for locality level reach as well as a brand looking for an additional touchpoint in Nagpur. The cost of advertising in Auto in Nagpur is lesser than buses, thereby making it a suitable advertising option for low budget campaigns.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

The rate for advertising in Auto Nagpur is available on the Media Option and Pricing section of the website. The ad rate is quoted per auto. One of the frequently asked questions regarding the advertising rate for Auto in Nagpur is "what is the duration for which the ad would remain on the auto?". There is no direct answer to this question regarding the duration of auto campaigns. The ads on auto stay as long as no new advertisers come for the same ad or the ad gets damaged. So your ad on auto in Nagpur can stay anywhere between a few days to a few months. On average we have seen the ads on auto in Nagpur to stay for a month. Ad rates mentioned for auto advertising in Nagpur are discounted. However, if you have large quantities, do not hesitate to ask The Media Ant for further discount. You can check the best rate for advertising in Auto Nagpur by adding your quantity to the bag and looking at the offer rate. We do not charge any fee for sharing the rate for and this service is absolutely free.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

The Media Ant is the best agency for placing your ads in the autos of Nagpur. Most of the advertisers in Nagpur choose to work with us because of our low rates and flawless execution for any auto campaign. How do we manage to offer the best rate for auto advertising in Nagpur? The Media Ant has an advantage of volume. Because we work with a large number of clients, we manage to get the best rate, and then that cost gets passed on to the client. And how do we manage the flawless execution of our campaigns even at large volumes? Our tech-enabled approach helps us solve this problem. The Media Ant is the only auto advertising agency in Nagpurthat provides images of all autos, with their registration number, date-stamped, and geotagged, to all advertisers in their online dashboard. The advertiser dashboard for auto campaigns in Nagpur is used to share pictures of execution, pricing details, and other campaign details like start date, end date, and person for contacting. You can contact The Media Ant if you are looking for an agency that can help you execute flawless execution of your auto campaign in Nagpur.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

There are certain advantages with Nagpur that make it interesting for an advertiser to include auto advertising in their marketing campaigns. Nagpur has a well-developed road network where autos ply. Once you advertise in the autos of Nagpur the brand can be taken to all nook and corner of the city. Nagpur also has a large geographical spread. Many local brands find the cost of advertising in the autos of Nagpur cheaper than other advertising options for hyperlocal targeting or reaching out to advertisers at a locality level. The final reason for advertising in the autos of Nagpur is the low budget requirement. One can advertise in the autos of Nagpur for a very small budget.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

Auto advertising falls in the transit category of nontraditional advertising. Another transit medium for advertising in Nagpur is Cab Advertising.
Click here to explore Cab Advertising.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

You can book ads in Autos of Nagpur either online or using an Auto advertising agency in Nagpur. The Media Ant provides both online and offline routes for campaign booking. To book your auto campaign in Nagpur online, go to the, search for Auto Nagpur. Go to the Auto Advertising in Nagpur page, select the right ad option from Media Options and Pricing tab, add it to the Dashboard, schedule the date, make the payment, upload the artwork, and your Nagpur auto campaign goes live. To book your campaign offline reach out to us either through phone, email, or and share the number of autos that you are looking for your auto advertising campaign in Nagpur. Once our planners know your areas in Nagpur that you are looking to target, they will recommend the right quantity. Once the payment is made and the artwork is shared, your campaign goes live. The artwork for Auto advertising in Nagpur needs to be shared in a CDR format with your agency. The agency will then share a jpeg for your approval. Ensure that the ad is appearing as expected. No changes can be made once this is approved and hence brands need to be careful before approving the artwork for your auto campaign.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

Proof of execution for Auto Advertising campaigns in Nagpur is images. These images should clearly indicate the auto registration number and the date the image was shot.

About Advertising in Auto Nagpur

There are 2 advertising options available for auto advertising in Nagpur. Stickers are small size ad formats but cheaper. Replacing the auto hood is the large ad format and also stay for longer. They have high reach and engagement.

Features Of Auto advertising

Brands with the following applicable factors should advertise

1National ReachNo
2City ReachYes
3Hyperlocal ReachYes
4Short Term PerformanceYes
5Long term brand buildingYes
6Low budgetYes
7Premium AudienceYes

Features Of Auto advertising

On Request.

Execution Details

Click here for dimension details.

Execution Details

On Request.

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