Advertising in Auto Chennai

Advertising in Auto Chennai


Estimated Fleets


Avg Distance/Day

About Advertising in Auto Chennai

Along with being a metropolitan city, Chennai is a major centre for technology, healthcare, and automobile manufacturing, making it an economic hub. Auto Ads within the city will allow brands with specific area targeting and attract the attention of residents or tourists who frequently commute using autos. Auto Ads will help brands engage potential customers to create a lasting impression on-the-go.

Key Insights



Top Choice

Auto hood
Auto hood

Auto Hood

Advertisements will be printed out and then mounted on the hood of the auto.
Base Rate

₹ 759 Per Auto


Auto Back Panel

Advertisements will be printed out and mounted on the back window of the auto. Auto Back Panel Ads will be made of vinyl stickers.
Base Rate

₹ 270 Per Auto

Other Ad Options

Monitoring Charges

Base Rate

₹ 1,430 / Per Person

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The Media Ant

Auto Chennai Advertising Cost

Advertising Option

TMA Offer

Auto Hood

₹ 690 Per Auto

Auto Back Panel

₹ 230 Per Auto

Monitoring Charges

₹ 1,300 Per Person

Auto Chennai Advertising

Along with being a metropolitan city, Chennai is a major centre for technology, healthcare, and automobile manufacturing, making it an economic hub. Auto Ads within the city will allow brands with specific area targeting and attract the attention of residents or tourists who frequently commute using autos. Auto Ads will help brands engage potential customers to create a lasting impression on-the-go.

Auto Chennai Ads offer high visibility among a hyperlocal crowd that can be commuters, passersby, or people stuck in traffic. Using Auto Ads, brands can improve recall to a broad reach. Auto Chennai ads are a budget-friendly marketing strategy to increase recall among potential customers.  With 96000 estimate fleet, Auto Chennai Ads can communicate the brand message to the local area in a short time.

Auto Chennai Advertisement

Auto Chennai Advertisement is becoming more and more popular among businesses that want to promote their brand identity through creative and eye-catching ads. Auto Rickshaw Branding is an unorganized advertising platform, hence it is important to have a clear agreement with the vendor on the deliverables before going ahead with the campaign.

Auto Chennai Advertisement helps businesses promote their brand through targeted advertising by reaching out to potential customers on the go using their way of transport.

Auto Chennai Ads

Auto Chennai Ads will target customers in a way that they get more engaged with the brands. Advertising in Auto is one of the most cost-effective means of promoting a product or service. With the advancement of technology and the rise in people's standard of living, the population is more interested in buying things.

Auto Chennai Ads will target a large-scale audience who commute via road and are exposed to these ads. 

What is auto-rickshaw advertising called?

Auto-rickshaw advertising, which is also referred to as auto advertising or auto-rickshaw branding, is a popular form of outdoor advertising that involves placing ads on the exterior of auto-rickshaws. Auto-rickshaws are frequently used for transportation in many countries, and they are known for traveling through crowded areas and busy streets, exposing the advertisements to a broad audience. Auto-rickshaw advertisements can take the form of vinyl wraps, stickers, or posters placed on the back, sides, or rooftops of the vehicle. Nowadays, specialized companies offer services such as design, printing, and installation of advertisements on auto-rickshaws, making auto-rickshaw advertising an easily accessible and effective method of outdoor advertising.

What is auto rickshaw branding?

Auto rickshaw branding is a marketing technique that uses the exterior of a three-wheeled vehicle to promote a brand or product. This strategy is commonly used in many cities, particularly in regions where auto rickshaws are prevalent.

What are the advantages of auto rickshaw advertising?

  1. Auto rickshaw advertising can help businesses promote their products and services in areas where their target audience is most likely to be found.
  2. Auto rickshaw advertising can help businesses reach potential customers in areas where traditional advertising methods may not be possible or cost-effective.
  3. The use of auto-rickshaw advertising can help businesses create a buzz around their products or services, leading to increased interest and sales.
  4. Auto rickshaw advertising is an innovative and creative way of promoting products and services that can help businesses stand out from their competitors.
  5. The low cost of auto rickshaw advertising allows businesses to invest more in other marketing strategies, leading to a more comprehensive marketing approach.

Auto Chennai Advertising Rates

Auto Chennai Advertising Rates may vary depending on the number of autos and are quoted by the vendor. Various Auto Rickshaw Advertisement placement options are available at discounted rates, out of which brands and companies can select according to their requirements.

Our pricing models for Auto Chennai Advertising Rates are some of the best in the market offering advertisers some of the best options for auto advertising. 

Auto Chennai Advertisement Rates

Each Auto Rickshaw Advertising package will include various media options in Auto Advertisement like back hood branding and auto hood advertising. To check out Auto Chennai Advertisement Rates you can visit the “Top Choice” section on “Auto Advertisement” which will include all the packages the companies can choose from according to their requirements.

You can check out the best discounted Auto Chennai Advertisement Rates, by visiting the official website of The Media Ant. Companies can pick the package most relevant to their needs. 

Auto Chennai Advertising Cost

Auto Chennai Advertising Cost depends on the locality that the companies want their advertisements to target. Auto Chennai Advertising Cost will also vary according to the number of auto rickshaws and the kind of media option chosen by the advertiser. Get the best rates to place your Auto Rickshaw Advertising on The Media Ant.

Auto Rickshaw Advertising Agency

The Media Ant is one of India’s leading outdoor advertising agencies that helps you with advertising and brand recognition needs. With a presence across top Indian cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi, The Media Ant ensures you a one-stop solution for all your outdoor advertising needs. 

We help you plan, buy, execute and monitor all your outdoor advertising campaigns across the country. Our in-house team ensures to provide you with the best Auto Rickshaw Branding plans at the best possible rates available and flawless execution of the auto advertising.

Our best rates for advertising on non-traditional platforms are available online on our website. As part of the execution process in outdoor advertising, The Media Ant will provide advertisers with images of all autos with their registration numbers.

You can monitor your ad campaigns on our online monitoring dashboard on your mobile phone. Check the best rates to advertise your brand on outdoor and non-traditional platforms in The Media Ant's outdoor advertising planning tools

You can contact us by Phone or Email, which are mentioned on the contact page. The Media Ant contact details are available in the Contact Us section of our website.

FAQs for Auto Advertising

Here are some frequently asked questions on Auto Chennai Advertising:

Why Should I Do Auto Rickshaw Advertising?

Auto Advertising is a very popular advertising option among local brands like shops and restaurants as well as bigger brands looking for hyperlocal advertising.

  • Hyperlocal Advertising: Being a hyperlocal advertising move, Auto Chennai Advertising usually travels a short distance within a particular region making them the best hyperlocal advertising medium. Autos can travel to colonies and narrow lanes where cabs and buses don’t ply, carrying the advertisements on them. This is one of the reasons auto advertising is preferred by local shops, restaurants, events, etc as well as brands who want to advertise in residential areas.
  • Small Budget Advertising: Unlike other transit advertising mediums, Auto Chennai advertising is quite economic and is apt for small brands who want to create an impact with a small budget.
  • Popular Mode of Transportation: Being a popular mode of transportation, Auto Chennai Advertising can help spread awareness about a brand’s products and services, as well as help with brand recognition.

Some other popular transit advertising options are Non-AC Bus Advertising, AC Bus Advertising, Transit Advertising like Metro Advertising, Cab Advertising, and Auto Rickshaw Advertising. 

How Does Auto Advertising Work?

While looking into Auto Rickshaw Advertising, one should consider the following important factors that influence the advertiser options, which mostly include sticker branding, back hood covers and auto hood covering. Sticker branding in Auto Chennai Advertising is smaller in size and can be cheaper, whereas the other ad options are larger and have higher reach and engagement.

While executing Auto Rickshaw Advertising a minimum of 50 autos have to be selected to complete the advertisement. Through Auto Chennai Advertising, area-wise targeting is possible to a certain extent. Advertisers using Auto Rickshaw Advertising for their campaigns are primarily looking to reach their target group at the city level using transit nontraditional advertising options.

The objective of Auto Chennai Advertising can be to reach out to the entire city or to reach out to specific geographies within the city. Keeping these requirements in mind, other advertising options are AC Bus, Non-AC Buses and Cabs.

How Do We Manage To Offer The Best Rate for Auto Advertising? 

The Media Ant has an added advantage while conducting Auto Rickshaw Advertising, of having a large volume of auto vendors. Since we work with a large number of clients and vendors, we manage to maintain a good rapport with them, earning us the best rates in the industry, which get passed on to the client.

How Do We Manage The Flawless Execution of Our Auto Advertising Campaigns Even At Large Volumes? 

The Media Ant has a tech-enabled approach which allows a flawless execution of ad campaigns of a large volume. The advertiser dashboard for auto campaigns is used by The Media Ant to share execution proof, pricing details, and other campaign details like start date, end date, and person for contact.

What is The Duration of Auto Rickshaw Branding?

Auto Rickshaw Advertising campaign does not have a specific set date of execution. Auto Ads stay as long as no new advertisers compete for the same ad space or the auto ad gets damaged. 

Auto Chennai Advertising can stay on the auto from anywhere between a few days to a few months. On average, we have seen Auto Rickshaw Advertising stay for a month. 

Who is The Target Audience for Auto Advertising?

Being a hyperlocal mode of advertising, Auto Advertising targets mostly local people who are travelling and are on the run.

What is the cost of auto rickshaw advertising in Chennai?

The cost of advertising on AutoRickshaw in Chennai can vary based on the geographic location and number of vehicles used for advertising.

Auto hood branding in Chennai?

Auto rickshaw hood branding in Chennai can be an innovative and inexpensive means of advertising your business on the streets, reaching a vast audience with potential brand exposure. Using auto rickshaw hood branding in Chennai can be an effective and economical way to promote your business on the move, with the potential to be viewed by many people every day.

Promoting your brand in Chennai on the go can be done creatively and affordably with auto rickshaw hood branding, reaching a vast audience with potential sales growth.

How much does auto rickshaw advertising cost in India?

The pricing of advertising on auto-rickshaws in India is determined by multiple criteria, such as location, campaign duration, advertisement type and size, and the number of vehicles, and can vary greatly.

What is the cost of a rickshaw banner?

Utilizing auto rickshaws for advertising purposes is an affordable solution that can target a mass audience. These vehicles are frequently situated in busy areas, making it simple to reach a large number of people.